Sunday, October 5, 2008

Secret Service

I took this picture in August when I volunteered for the Obama Campaign when Obama and Biden were in Springfield, IL. If you can look at up the top of the picture, to the left of the dome-looking-thing are two or three men with guns, aka the Secret Service. This is probably the first time I've seen them in action so I was kinda (I nerdy) excited to be able to take a picture of them. What I think is cool about this photo is that a few things really catch your eye at first sight, one: the dome at the very top of the building, two: the American flags and three: the cut off arms heads. This might seem like nothing but to me that is interesting because those three things are not what the point of taking the picture was. I took the picture because of the Secret Service men, yet at first glance they are not what once notices...maybe not at even second or third glance. To me, this really demonstrates that a picture or painting or any media for that
matter can't be understood in one step, what the artist/author/designer is trying to get across most likely will not be very obvious (even if it seems so).

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