Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hampe Questions part 2

1. Do you think the opening scene of a movie with using a metaphor is or is one of the most powerful ways to set the tone for the rest of the movie/documentary/program?

2. Hampe writes "Audiences have the perverse habit of assuming that
the way they think you are communicating is the way
that you intended to communicate. As far as they are concerned, the
message they get is the only ~essage there is. And you have no
opportunity to defend yourself-to revise, clarify, or explain what you
actually meant." Do you think we usually get the message of any piece? Can the point of a book, article, movie, documentary, interview ever be really understood without knowing and talking to the creator of the piece?

3. Hampe writes you're supposed to edit your footage to communiate your message "honestly, directly, and forcefully - what you know about the event." Do you think its easier to manipulate your audience with editing or is it easier to be honest with what happened (even if it goes against what you wanted your original message to be)?

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