Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Seth's question

1. How do you think changes in Font, boldface, italics, Size of Font, etc. have people read the text differently? Why do we put emphasis on italics or have all caps feel like its SHOUTING?

-As we have learned from some of the readings (or maybe all of them in a way), one of the usual goals of the media is to make what is being portrayed/talked about as real as possible. When it comes to a written text (whether online or in a book, etc) it might be really hard to make the fact that we're reading something transparent because words have to be seen to be read. However with added variation to a text, whether it be pictures, or differences in font (size, color, shape) it starts to make the person experiencing the media relate to what is being read. Changing the font also is a rhetorical technique, where the different fonts and their sizes can call to different emotions for the reader, helping the "transparency" of the text become as effective as possible and the experience of reading the text as enjoyable as possible as well.

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