Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Response to Eric's Question

1. How often do you look at a sign and actually read what it says? Or, do you just see the red octagon and know without reading the words what is means?

I don't think I read signs anymore while driving. I definitely have made associations or links between colors and their meaning in my brain and use them while driving, walking, exploring. These are shortcuts that we all make I think when we are in familiar environments. I think that it is interesting to note that when I studied abroad this summer I definitely read all the signs. Not exactly for meaning though....over there, street signs (and their colors/shapes) were the same as they are (in meaning) in America (at least in Chicago...). However, just the simple fact that "Stop" was spelled in a different language (Arabic...قِف ) was enough for me to not use my usual associations with STOP in English and the color red. I did know automatically that a red octagon with letters in white did mean stop, but I think because I was not in my familiar environment I actually stopped to read the signs. Or maybe I just liked hearing myself speak another language. Who knows...!

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